Rogue From X-Men: The Animated Series

Hello all,

This is me trying to post more.

So while I was away I decided to cosplay Rogue. So this is what happened.

Firstly I used a pattern which makes life a whole lot easier.

So I started with the yellow part of the suit, when I started I had no idea how I was going to put the yellow and the green together. There was an option of an overlay but my straight stitch isn't great so I decided to make a separate green unitard cut out the parts needed and sew them together. It worked out really well.

It's not perfect but nothing I make is.

Next I made the shirt again I used a pattern.

This pattern was fairly easy. I did buy the patches there was no way I could make those with my current skill set.

Next was the boots, this was really hard and I went in blind. So I took an old pair of boots I had which where knee highs to make them thigh highs I glued some craft foam to the top. I then cut out some fabric out around my legs, I sewed the seams and glued them too the boot. I then sewed green strips on them and added zips and voila the boots where done.

Next was the belt, I made the buckle out of worbla and painted it with acrylics. Then added a strap that matched the shirt.

The wig was a bit difficult as I had to cut 2 wigs and sew them together and style it.

I used pin curls as curling tongs would burn the wig. It worked and the result was this.

I also made the head band just a simple sew job.

I will be properly cosplaying this at the London Film and Comic Con, but as I said in my previous post I trailed it out at my friends birthday party and here are a few photos from that night. Overall I am happy with the result.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post.

Your friendly neighbourhood Bendy Benz



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