Cosplay WIP

I just wanted to share a bit more of my Cosplay work in progress.

Daedric Armour is coming along nicely.

I finished sanding.

All the piece sanded ready for paint.

Got as much a I could painted until I ran out of spray paint.

The next thing I'm working in is the Cheshire Cat from Alice Madness Returns.

I am using a different medium on this I am using Worbla.

Worbla I just brilliant you heat it and it becomes pliable, then you mould it in to shape and it hardens this way.

This is what I've done so far.

Its very messy but I think I am doing well with it.

Please let me know what you think of my WIP.

Your friendly neighbourhood Bendy Benz.


  1. I have no idea what it is but you are so bloody talented!

    1. Hahaha Google it then you can judge if u am in fact talented xox

  2. Holy smokes you're amazing. You're so talented! I can't help but giggle at how round those boobies are, it makes me very happy.

    Leona of Oh! Leona

    1. Haha!! Well I wanted a chance to have big boobs and with is my chance xox

  3. That armour looks amazing! Worbla sounds so cool, I really want to play with some one day but I'm so not crafty. Boo.

    1. It's really easy there are so really helpful YouTube videos on how to use it have a look at those xox


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