2015 A Year Of Growth

Hello there,

I haven't written in a long while but seeing as it is now 2015 I thought I would try and write more. 2014 wasn't the greatest year to be honest but I won't get all emotional on you, that year is over and this year is the year of positive thinking.

I'm going to start by trying to make a plan. There are a few things I would like to do and if I write them down I am more likely to do them.

I would like to start a YouTube channel. If you have read my post Living with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia you know that expressing myself in the written word is hard for me, so I thought I would try a different medium. It also gives me the chance to learn a new skill, video editing which I have always wanted to learn. 

I would like to grow this blog. I recently got a new laptop and now it is easier to post on here so I would like to start writing more posts and not just Cosplay I would like to make it more life style based and start doing reviews of games, cons, books, films all sorts of things. 

I would like to enter a Cosplay contest, now this one I have already made headway with I plan to have my Cosplay judged at this years Newcastle Film and Comic Con. I have sent the email and everything. Now this proper scares me but I think I just need to do it as its good to conquer your fears and I'm not very good at that I usually run screaming.

MORE CONVENTIONS!!..... I need to go to more cons I need to meet more Cosplayers start going to meets I need to start making a name for myself. I wouldn't mind getting a shout out from a Cosplayer at some point this year. This also means making more cosplay.

Believe in myself more. In my eyes nothing I do is any good although people tell me its amazing I tend to not think so I will try and see the good rather then the bad. I think this is the most important thing to do this year as it will help me achieve the rest of the things I want to do.

On that note I think its a ruddy good time to end, I hope you will join me on this journey. 

Good bye and good luck.

Your friendly neighbourhood Bendy Benz


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