Moving, holidays and more Cosplay

Ohhhhh wow it been a long time since I wrote anything, it's mostly because I moved in January and haven't had internet since then... It only got installed on Friday.

So here I am writing again, while I have not have internet I've mostly been gaming and making Cosplay so the usual.

So other big things I did:


So this was very stressful as you can imagine and without internet or T.V for a while I went a bit stir crazy for a while but I did manage to make my house just the way I wanted it. I now have a craft room for all my cosplay needs, a game room for all my gaming needs, a big kitchen and living area for all my normal needs and lastly I set up my display case... Full of all my nerd and I love it.

My Craft Room

Its just a small room which is mostly a mess as I'm constantly working in there and I do feel i should tidy it until I've finished what I'm currently doing.

Here it is when it was clean.

My Game Room

It consists of a sofa bed, T.V, Xbox one, Xbox 360, a Wii, various games for each console, my collection of autographs and a few targets we shot in Vegas.

My Display Case.

A whole bunch of awesome.


I went to Las Vegas... really all I'm going to do here is bombard you with photos!!

That was but a few of the photos taken.


And I did some cosplay of course.

Went to my friends 30th birthday party and tried out my Rogue.

Also Robin was there.

I have also been working on my Cheshire Cat cosplay but I'll be back with that later.

Well this is what I've done over the last few months, I'll try and post more I promise.

Your friendly neighbourhood Bendy Benz!


  1. Your new home looks lovely :). Did you go inside to look at any of the casinos in Vegas? Some of them are really spectacular!

    1. Yeah I went in a few such a bazaar place but I loved it xix

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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