How far I've come!

Today my Time Hop told me today that I started my first facebook page 3 years ago, a group page with my bestie Smell Bear (She does awesome commissions and make amazing shoes check her out). Now that I have recently started my own page I thought I'd write a post on how far I have come in the last 3 years. The first cosplay I decided to make was Anya Stroud from Gears Of War. People were making jokes that I look a little like her. I was awful, made of cardboard and badly painted. Look at it.... My God.... Next was the Batman animated series, Harley Quinn. This was my first attempt at sewing so I hindsight it wasn't too bad. However, I do need to remake this. The next this I decided to make was Daedric armour. This was a bad idea I should've tried something a bit easier. Next, I tried some sewing this time I used a pattern. I did Rogue from X-Men. It started fairly simple but I did update it recently. I updated too. I...