
Hi there,

I haven't written in a while as i have been on holiday YAY!! You would think that but no it rained all but one day.

This is me one the good day in the hot tub.

The rest of the week was pretty wet to wet to even go white water rafting. How crazy is that.

See pretty wet.

I did go on a 12 mile hike and saw some cool waterfalls.

I also made a friend Goatrude she followed us down a mountain cried every time we walked away.

That was my holiday ticked 2 things off my bucket list climbed a mountain and went on a ski lift which was nice.

I have been making a bit of Cosplay recently too so watch out for posts about that.




  1. Oh wow!I have never been to see a waterfall before but they look beautiful! Also looking forward to the cosplay posts x


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