Conventions, Halloween and My Birthday.

So I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd do two in one night.

This post is to regale you of my adventures over the last few weeks we start with.....

MCM Expo.

So as you know I Cosplayed for Hyper Japan but this convention was my my first fully home grown Cosplay.

I had made everything and was entering a Cosparade I bloody loved it as I said I my Final Pepakura Post.

Other then this I got a few more autographs for my collection

Here are some pictures from that day.

 Me hanging out in the queue for the Red Dwarf crew.

This amazing Cosplay

This guy was in Ace Venture When Nature Calls.

Robert Llewellyn AKA Kyrten looking under duress. What a bloody nice fellow.

Hatty Hayridge not so under duress.

Hanging out with a Pyramid Head.

Becky and I donning our Pikachu hats on the train home.

All the the autographs from that day. Hatty Hayridge, Robert Llewellyen, Andrew Lee Potts and Neil Jackson.

Cardiff Film and Comic Con.

I did not Cosplay for this one I mostly went for the autographs and the spending on money.

Craig Charles

Boba Fett AKA Jeremy Bullock.

Stephanie Leonidas 

All there autographs plud Marolyn Turk AKA Beedo from Starwars.

So on to the things we bought.

A Boba Fett naturally.

I already had Spock and Harley. I got Wicket at MCM. New purchases as Cardiff were Rocket and Star-Lord.

This cool Back To The Future print

Jeremy Bullocks book and autograph

And Link.


I went to Thorpe Park Fright Night and a Halloween Party

Becky from and I freaking out the patrons at Thorpe Park.

We went on all the big rides not queueing as we got fast track... Including Swarm which was amazing.

Here I am in my Halloween costume I got in to the semi finals of the costume contest.

 Me and a ghost AKA Becky.

My birthday

I wasn't very eventfully I went out for dinner but I got some lovely gifts.

Zelda necklace set.

Max Rebo, flowers and a Wompa.... I also got a new massive sewing box but I put that away before I could take a photo but it is amazing.

I don't know if you guys realised I like Star Wars.

Anyway that is my adventures over the last few weeks.

I am starting a few new cosplay projects in the coming week so expect a few new posts on them in the meantime have fun.

Your friendly neighbourhood Bendy Benz.



  1. You are so talented Marie! I don't think I'll ever get over your magical talents. X

  2. A ghost aka Becky haha! Robert Llewelyn really was a very nice man!


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