
Showing posts from November, 2014

Conventions, Halloween and My Birthday.

So I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd do two in one night. This post is to regale you of my adventures over the last few weeks we start with..... MCM Expo. So as you know I Cosplayed for Hyper Japan but this convention was my my first fully home grown Cosplay. I had made everything and was entering a Cosparade I bloody loved it as I said I my Final Pepakura Post . Other then this I got a few more autographs for my collection Here are some pictures from that day.  Me hanging out in the queue for the Red Dwarf crew. This amazing Cosplay This guy was in Ace Venture When Nature Calls. Robert Llewellyn AKA Kyrten looking under duress. What a bloody nice fellow. Hatty Hayridge not so under duress. Hanging out with a Pyramid Head. Becky and I donning our Pikachu hats on the train home. All the the autographs from that day. Hatty Hayridge, Robert Llewellyen, Andrew Lee Potts and Neil Jackson. Cardiff...

Final Pepakura Post

Hello all, I finally finished my costume. Here all the final bits done and me in the costume at MCM. (I will talk more about that in another post later tonight) I started spray painting the pieces just plain black to start with. Lining the pieces with silver paint. Everything put together. I also made some arrows I'm particularly proud of these. And finally her is me on the Pop Asia stage at MCM expo. I went with the Bosmer make up. I had so much fun on stage and I will do it again. Your friendly neighbourhood Bendy Benz.