Harley Quinn

Hi Everyone, This is the first post with my shiny new layout so I hope it s good one. I recently (not so recently but oh well) I wanted to properly start making cosplays so I first tried to make a Mad Moxxie but that didn't work out so well. So I thought I would try my second favourite villain. Harley Quinn. I would to make a disclaimer I have not had any sewing lessons in my life and I did not use and patterns (mostly as I don't know how to use them). It did take me a while (about 6 months) and 2 sewing machines but I finally finished everything yesterday. It started by me measuring myself drawing some lines on some lines on the fabric, sewing and praying it would go O.K. I don't have a lot of photos from the beginning as I thought that I would give up at the first hurdle. So it started with the bottoms. Then the top Then I put them together with some arms I then had to put on an invisible zip I don't have any pictures of that ...