First entry!

Good Morrow Fellows,

My name is Marie, some call me Bendy and I am starting this blog for unknown reasons. I never have anything interesting to say but nonetheless I will try and entertain you.

A little about me, I am a genuine geek not one of these hipster geeks but an actual geek. I love gaming, science, books, movies, comics. If only I had a clever enough brain I would have a PHD in something by now (actually probably not). 

I tend to get over excited about things and when I get excited about things there are a lot of shouting and arm moving.

If I'm truly honest I don't really know what to write.

Lately I got bored and wanted to be more creative, so jokingly one night while having a intense gaming season said I was going to make an Anya Stroud cosplay for Halloween. So that's what did.

So with a few boxes, glue and newspaper I started to make my costume.

It started with the Lacer........

Then the armor...

Time for a bit of paint...

On the night...

It did however fall apart a lot, so I thought fabric which brings me too... 

The next project is Mad Moxxi......


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